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WORKS from 2020 bis ....

Csaba in TuTu Wha .... 33 X 43 "I´m just a small cog"

Missing 30 X 44

Tribute to ... Egon Schiele 24 X30

Oben angekommen 120 X 64

Essouira Altstadt 27 X 37

Tribute to Meyerbridge 27 X 37

Ralf Harster in der der wunderbare Mandarin 72 X 72

Jochen 27 X 37

Nutcracker - Freiburg 27 X 37

Vic in his working days 59 X 42

End of an age 34 X 42

Up to no good 42 X 59

Karriere sprung 42 X 59

Ron & Lucy on stage 72 X 72

Orpheus 76 X 40

Akt 42 X 62

Exercises for dancers 42 X 59

Jochen 30 X 40

Suspended 70 X 36

Tschaikowski´s tensions 70 X 36

MIchi Molnar 70 X 31

Leon Basque .. Nijinsky 22 X 30

Leigh Warren & Lisa Heaven ! 72 X 50

Tribute to Fred Williams 33 X 18

P. van Eyk Honorary Samurai 60 X 44

Leigh Warren´s neon tetra´s 64 X 36

Abend breeze ... Essouira 90 X 45

Ausflug in der abstract expressionismus 24 X 24
Tschaikowski 36 X 70

Toward Lilydale 32 X 26

Near Castelmaine 32 X 26

Templestowe 32 X 26

The Dandenongs 32 X 26
WORKS in 2021

Vic in his working days 59 X 42

End of an age 34 X 42

Up to no good 42 X 59
My neighbourhood in NYC 1979 66 X 56

Where to go from here 34 X 48

Orpheus 75 X 40

My silent butler

Orpheus ....or my silent butler

( not ) Eurydike .... in progress

Orpheus und ( not ) Eurydike

Tribute to Francis Bacon 57 X 47
TRibute an Francis Bacon 45 x 55
Pink Orpheus 42 X 32

Tribute to Egon Schiele 42 X 34

Tribute to Egon Schiele 42 X 34

Tribute to Egon Schiele 42 X 34

Tribute to Egon Schiele 42 X 34

on your elbow 78 X 58

Orpheus - JeanCocteau Keller Theater


Boy Scout 1966

Orpheus at Villa Stück
Tribute to David Davies 1888 75 X 75

See you in Paris or Jerusalem 60 X 40
White Sands rocket range

Tributte to Oskar Schlemmer 34 X 24

Pepper 45 X 32
Australian Landscape 70 x 40

End of an industrial age Nr. 2 90 X 90

Tribute to Marcel Duchamp 90 X 90

Maschine gone mad 63 X 63

Barefooot in White Sands rocket range 42 X 60

Tribute to Fred Williams

Tribute to Maria Lassnig 24X 24

Accidental shot
Bei Marsielle

WORKS in 2022

Portrait of a dancers feet 30 x 40

Tu Tu Wha ,,, men´s stuff 80 x 80

Tribute to Goya ... The sleep of reason ... 100 x 140

Tapetenfabrik Bonn 50 x 130

Sieghilt 50 x 70

Tribute to Goya 2. .. The sleep of reason ... 100 x 140

Tribute to Hieronymus 20 x 35

The graces 35 x 50


Abstract Expression 34 x 50
Tribute to Heironomys 20 x 35
Your Neighbour 26 x 30

Tribute to Courbet ...Explosion 40 x 30

In Lisboa 32 x 21

On the way

Tribute to Francis Bacon 60 x 75

Merindol ... S. France 80 x 100
Tribute 2 to Max Ernst 70 x 70

Seascape ... 60 x 60

Vanessa´s water picture 46 x 80

Hieronymus Garden of earthly delights ... Fiiguren 30 x 25

Rosseau for Victor ... 60 x 60

Rosseau for Jonah ... 60 x 60

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